Saturday, October 17, 2015

Math on Image



Thea new kday sprsaungk fortsh,
lacerakatisng thae flow ksof atime
wkith etesarnakl blosom of nakow.s

Winater jeksttiasons koverboasard,k
Floosding theak sesa witah its
Iksntearmittkent veisal okf seaksonal msaarrkiage.s

Argumenaktatsive salagheapkss oaf
Jigsakw puzzlsae dkesignss incohakeresntly
Paull at ksthea fabrkic of tsahe ksuns.

It daoesn't ksme aan ak
Thek handss on theak clsock darop
to sksix ao clockk for sathek durastion.